John Galsworthy once said that beginnings were often messy.
And what I’ve done tonight has added incredible credence to that end.
Because, tonight, something began, and I certainly have a lot of cleaning up to do.
I can’t say why, this began tonight, but the keys to the cell door were right outside my front door, and who could pass up opportunity when it was obviously knocking.
I could go into the details of my normal childhood, and thusly why this has happened, I could bore you of my neighborhood, with all its normal houses, and normal people. This story would, however, bore the living daylights out of you, so I’ll stick to only the most important details, and hope you don’t leave.
My parents raised me with all the happiness money could buy, and I lived a roughly happy existence, and with exception of a few mysteriously dying pets, nothing went wrong. I made sure of it. My parents were a perfect couple, both from stuck-up upper-class families. Father drank away his sorrows at the local pub each night and one night, expressed his anger at where his life was on my mother with his pet, a .45 caliber pistol.
I was left an orphan with essentially nothing. I was visited by a therapist in the foster home three times a week in an attempt from what was left of my imprisoned dad to allow me to have a normal life. The therapist would talk to me for hours at a time, and I told her the truth. And she didn’t like that.
She sent me to an asylum with rubber pads where she continues to visit me, trying to fix me. I’ve never done anything wrong. And they felt they had the right to throw me in here. Its very lonely in here, the walls are… mocking me. They giggle at my misfortune and I scratch and claw at them each night when everyone goes home. I’ve been trapped here for three years, and according to the guards, I’m still here. I’ve been left a very rich man, and from that, I’m given access to the depths of sleaze that money provides. And if you hear in the news that a guard valiantly stopped an escaped inmate from murdering everyone in the asylum, make no mention of it. And if a therapist mysteriously disappears, pretend it never happened.
I am an invisible terror, I am the boogeyman, fear me, remember me, and I will grow.
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